Articles of Faith
We believe in One G-d as declared in the Shema (Deut. 6: 4), who is “Echad”, a “Compound Unity”, eternally existing in three persons – G-d the Father, G-d the Son, and G-d the Holy Spirit (Isa. 48: 16-17, Gen. 1: 1, Ex. 3: 6 and Eph. 4: 4-6).
We believe in Messiah Yeshua’s diety (Isa. 9: 6, John 1: 1,4). His virgin birth (Isa. 7: 1,4), His sinless life, His atoning death (Isa. 53, Psl. 22), His bodily resurrection, His ascension, and His future return in power and glory.
We believe the Bible, consisting of the Tenach (the older Covenant Scriptures) and the Brit Chadasha (the newer Covenant Scriptures), to be the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of G-d (Psl. 119: 89, Prov. 30: 5-6, 2 Tim. 3: 16-17); that the Torah (the first five books of the older Covenant) is G-d’s divine revelation for holy living (Deut. 30: 15,16,19,20, Rom. 7: 12; 8:2); revealing His Nature and standard of righteousness and truth (Rom. 2:13,20, Psl. 119:142).
We believe that man, through his sin, is separated from G-d (Isa. 59: 2, Eccl. 7: 20, Psl. 53: 3, Isa. 64: 5-6). Relationship can be restored with G-d by man’s repentance, through G-d’s grace, based on faith in Yeshua’s sacrificial death. We are then cleansed and fully reconciled to G-d (Heb. 2: 17, 2 Tim. 1: 10, 1 Peter 1: 18-21).
We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, who indwells all believers upon confession of the Messiah (Acts 2: 38-39, Eph. 1: 13). The Holy Spirit enables us to live godly lives and empowers us to understand and apply the Word (Eze. 36: 26-27), to exercize all Biblical gifts, and to do the service of the L-rd (Rom. 12, Gal. 5: 22-23).
We believe in G-d’s eternal covenant made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We therefore stand with and support the Jewish people and the State of Israel and hold fast to the Biblical heritage of our forefathers (Gen 17: 1-8).